Lotto has the potential to make people instant millionaire where others would win up to R10 Million or even more and instantly you’re a millionaire. I think with regards to lotto the same applies with regards to age, you might find that for an individual to participate you might need to be at least 18 years of age and obviously having an ID book. Just like sports bet, playing lotto may also be addictive in a sense that it keeps on promising frequently as you play it and over time if you lose more you then realise that wins are less as compared to the losses accumulated over period of time. But because you’re hoping for the best with a believe that when you win big it will cover all the loses with just one big win. Those who have been in the industry will explain better that regardless of whether you started at an early age or a bit later it doesn’t necessarily have impact or influence on the win or loss.
As a high school learner or varsity student, the question is that in which way would you prefer to accumulate millions of rands? Well, most people would advise you to not aim for millions of money but have items/property worth millions of rands because money is not what you really need but items/services/property equivalent to money that you require is exactly what you need the most. Money will always have something it can buy and buy nature we love spending on a regular bases which may lead to you spending millions on items which you do not need at that time. Using money received from playing lotto can be tricky in a sense that after winning you have two main options to either use the money to bet again or otherwise spend it on things you’ve always wanted or dreamed of having once you get money. Regardless of how much money it is, you will get used to spent every time you’re in the shop because most of things you never had seems to be affordable and much cheaper because you think of how much they cost versus how much still have in your bank account.
Although it is discouraged that you consider betting at an early age, but still there’s no best recommended date to start standing a chance of winning millions of rands. 18 years old is the entry level in which you’re allowed to participate but does not necessarily mean it is the age for you to start betting lotto. From my recommendation, I would say it’s best to join only after you’ve got your qualifications and still hunting for a job. The main question is that are you aiming to get win to become millionaire or is it only a matter of temporary until you’re employed? Taking into consideration that once you’ve started with betting lotto it won’t be as easy as switching from unemployment to being employed. It might require counselling before one completely quit betting lotto at an early age because not only are you stopping but you also lose the excitement and enjoyment that comes with betting lotto and the thought of becoming instant millionaire.
As much as money is needed by many, especially those who’re not privileged, it is a wise decision to research a little bit more about the people who have won millions before and verify how life was before and after millions of rands won from betting lotto. Only after you’ve done deep research you will have an idea of what normally goes through the mind of a person who actually has or had millions in their bank account. Becomes an instant millionaire also comes with its own challenges which one needs to decide if you can handle those challenges before getting into the reality of being a millionaire. Not everyone has the ability and the capacity to go through those moments as many people are able to spot the change of character and complete different life style.
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