Spots bet may be generating revenue for a lot of adults who are mainly over the age of 18 years old which should not serve as a temptation to the younger generation under the age of 18 especially those who are still in high school. Sports bet may not be suitable for learners still in high school as this may be addictive and additional burden since your studies need your full attention. From my understanding, most elders spend much of their time planning and studying this game and only make information decisions before betting and all their decisions is also based on their experience and history of the game. It’s not advisable that at an early age a learner go for spots betting because it can be very addictive and not easy to quit and may also require you constantly keep on being in need of money for nothing else but sports betting.
As a high school learner the main focus should be on studying towards getting flying colors, getting the bursary in order to further studies and become a financially responsible adult who works hard to earn a living. The danger with joining spot bet at an early age is the fact that it could be addictive and very much difficult to completely forget about spots bet and focus on education only. Obviously being exposed to a lot of things at an early age may lead to you as a learner trying out a lot of things which are mostly considered to be only done by over 18 years old individuals. And most importantly, it doesn’t necessarily mean soon after you’re 18 years old you should then immediately jump into spots bet, the age restriction only serves as an indication that below 18 years old it’s not acceptable and above that age you’re welcome to participate.
Focusing on generating income or extra money while you’re still in high school may not really be an ideal move because having access to money slowly kills your dreams of become somebody in the future after completing your studies and investing much of your time into studying and passing very well. It is obviously not easy to quit once you’ve joined and especially when you’ve had the luck to win few times as this will lead you to try and win more and more with the hope to make millions of money over a short period of time. Most of the leaners fall in the trap of trying by all means to make money for buying nice things for themselves and mostly nice clothes to obviously look nice.
At all times, listening to adults giving advises is the most important thing not to miss especially when advise is coming from the parent because they know what is best for you as their children. Anything related to making money quick will never be advisable by parents hence it is advisable that at all times you listen to your parents and be open to them about your planned moves as this could be eye opening to you at an early age and most importantly as and when you grow up you’re aware of what to expect in the future and how to deal and avoid such cases. It is not easy to follow instructions especially when you’re at teenage stage trying to figure out things by yourself but it’s always best and better to be aware of where you’re headed to because in that way you will avoid to be destructed by things such as sports bet when you’re still a minor.
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