You may invest in crypto currency’s such as bitcoins which is considered to be an online money where through the banks or block chains you can covert local currency into bitcoins and invest through platforms such as altcointrader which accepts bitcoins. Normally in this case, you’d buy the online money know to be bitcoins and put it in the international market to allow trading of the coin which is an online digital money represented by numbers on the computer but can still be converted into local currency although there might be some bank charges through the conversion of crypto to local currency.
Banks such as ABSA Bank is also well aware of the bitcoins and also how it works, but the bank may not be able to advise you if investing in Bitcoin is a good idea or not as it can be a very risky move since no one has the influence to individually determine the price or rate at specific time frames. And most importantly, the Bitcoin is a global currency where anyone from wherever in the world can possibly participate in investment of crypto currency hence is such a volatile online currency because it’s participants are everywhere in the world.
For an individual to invest in crypto currency you will need to be technically advanced and good with numbers and conversions as you will need to perform some calculations to determine if you will be able to make profit or loss after investing the money in crypto currencies. Like any other investments, by putting your money into crypto currencies does not in anyway guarantees a gain nor loss, the obvious every investment requires a bit of time before one can rip off profits. At all times patience is the key to many things and that includes any form or type of investment regardless of the amount of money which was invested.
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