What is the final situation this is when a collision has taken place this is when these two objects has come to contact okay so very much important ladies and gentlemen that you understand this formula so now I'm just quickly going to expand it such that it suits a the scenario that we're given okay so obviously we know momentum is mv okay.
And the sum means we now need to add for these two objects so plus m v okay. So ladies and gentlemen it's always best to describe the mass and the velocity over there okay. So this will be the mass let's say of the car and let's just use you can still use one and two of which you know one refers to the first object which is a car and then two refers to the truck.
But I like to use c ladies and gentlemen because it refers to the car and then this one for the truck and that one for the truck okay. Remember ladies and gentlemen this is for the initial scenario okay which is equals to remember guys remember they've just said as soon as these two comes into collision, then they stick together okay. When they stick together it means now their mass is combined so it's just one thing that's why on my formula I've got the mass of the car plus the mass of the track. Very much important ladies and gentlemen multiplied by v of what?
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