Physical sciences first paper

Hello guys my name is Desmond and i welcome you to my YouTube channel ladies and gentlemen for today's lesson we'll be looking at question six of physical sciences paper one. And this lesson is suitable for grade 12 okay and again most importantly ladies and gentlemen it's also suitable for those who are upgrading their physical sciences so ladies and gentlemen it's going to be one of those interesting lessons where I'm going to make sure that you learn as much information as possible and again I'm hoping to reveal all the strategies and tricks related to this chapter. 

So what I'm going to do is to quickly read through the statement go through the questions answer each and every question accompanied by additional information when necessary and most importantly ladies and gentlemen I'm going to show you exactly where you score some marks okay remember guys at all times especially for your exam papers you are advised to start each question on a new page very much important ladies and gentlemen. It helps us at the making center to see exactly where is the start and where is the end of your question okay so we don't want a situation where you've got a question you just keep a line and you start a new question because in case if there are some cancellations in your questions and again as a result of your handwriting

because some of you guys your handwriting is not that neat so you might find that the next question is part of a your final answer so you find that we are not able to see that you actually started a new question so it becomes some of the problems that we encounter at the making center when we're making your exam papers so ladies and gentlemen please do make sure that you write neatly okay it's very much important ladies and gentlemen so guys without any waste of time I'm quickly going to read through the given statement as you can see I've tried to draw a diagram there so from time to time we might need to refer to that diagram that I drew by hand over there.

 Ladies and gentlemen we're giving a statement let's carefully read this statement you know and try to familiarize ourselves with the content given in that statement a train approaches a station at a constant speed of 20 meters per second with its whistle blowing at a frequency of 458 heads okay ladies and gentlemen the information that we collect from that first sentence is very much important before I reread that statement please do make sure that if necessary after I've read each and every sentence just try to make some notes and compare your notes with what I'm going to explain

 okay because remember ladies and gentlemen it doesn't necessarily mean all the information that I'm providing you know it's all that you need to know. Or it's all that you need to you know pay in mind or you know is the limit in terms of the manner in which you should interpret the given statements do not limit yourself based on the information that I provide okay so in case if there's something that I haven't mentioned and you've noted it down please do consider yourself very much lucky because you're able to notice some extra information which may not be indicated by whoever who's training you on how to approach past exam papers. 

Okay remember ladies and gentlemen this question paper is posted on my telegram channel that's why I post previous question papers and not only for the subjects that I do but for all the high school subjects very much important ladies and gentlemen that if you've got a telegram account you do go check out that telegram channel okay so an observer standing on the platform ladies and gentlemen here's a change in pitch as the train approaches him passes him and moves away from him okay so ladies and gentlemen. Remember this is my very first question that I'm doing related to this chapter so what I'm going to do by the end of this lesson I'm actually going to prepare a complete lesson where I cover all the most important things that you need to know in relation to this chapter.

So I'll make sure to post that lesson before you start with your examinations so that you are able to then make sure that you have all the weapons that you need in order to tackle questions related to this chapter. Okay very much important ladies and gentlemen that you check out my status on my Whatsapp because that's where I do the updates so going to post a link for that particular video so that you can catch it live and again if you failed you can still catch up. Okay so the advantage of watching these lessons while the premiere is because or a to watch live lessons is because I'm able you I'm you know I'm able to give you an urgent attention 

so in case if you've got a question I can quickly attend to that particular question but instead if a you watch it at a later stage it's still fine you can still post questions on the comment section then at the later stage when I go through the questions then I'll just quickly give you a response okay so ladies and gentlemen for the last time I'm just going to quickly read through the given statement then we'll just note down all the necessary information okay. So a train approaches a station at a constant speed of 20 meters per second with its whistle blowing at a frequency of 458 heads so ladies and gentlemen the information that we're actually collecting from that first sentence is that we've got a train as you can see there ladies and gentlemen I try to draw that train okay 

so this is just the head of a train so they're saying this train is approaching a station. Okay so assuming that this is a station ladies and gentlemen assuming that this is a station so that train is actually moving or approaching the station at a constant speed of 20 meters per second okay very much important ladies and gentlemen and remember guys remember this speed is a constant speed meaning throughout the journey of that train as it approaches passes and moves away from the listener of the station it's moving at a constant speed of 20 meters per second. Okay very much important ladies and gentlemen that you take you know you take into consideration this kind of information okay so again ladies and gentlemen uh this train has got its whistle blowing okay very much important ladies and gentlemen it's blowing its whistle at a frequency of 458 Hz.

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