Where to invest money in South Africa

 You might be wondering, What am I doing with my money? What should I be doing with my cash? I got some money that I've been saving up. I need to invest money and here you are asking yourself what can I do with that money and what options are there? 

You can put it in a box and you wake up and it hasn't gained any value. In which case it's nothing, in fact, it's devaluing because of inflation. So we're basically losing more when the money is placed under the and lot invested into in the business or the bank. 

I'm really going to look at providing you with better option, and then the options are always there. On this platform I provide advise on the terms of where you could the money that you have worked so hard for or otherwise the that you inherited from either your parents or wherever. 

You could put the money in the any of the available banks, be it Capitec bank, Standard bank or any other bank which may offer good interest rates. You could put it in the stock exchange, or you could put it in property. Also, you can put in crypto currencies and gain from the fluctuations resulting from the selling and buying of the crypto currencies. 

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