Transfer and bond registration fee

I say regulated because the industry regulates them, so they won't charge you out of the norm. Some bank what they do they go into agreement with these transfer lawyers to say give the person if they are BEE person give them twenty five percent discount and so there are all sorts of ways to try and assist you. So remember it is important that you are going to be paying for transfer fees, but the other set of fees for lawyers that you are going to be paying is bond fees, remember that your bond needs to be registered, right? 

And that is also part of the service that you're going to be offered that is paid by the buyer and not the seller so that is something that I also needed to raise up. So when you are knowing exactly how much money you you are going to need for you to be able to purchase this please do include the transfer fees, plus the bond registration fees, if you're going to be buying using a credit home loan facility, now let's move on, let say you've got your figures and you've settled that you've got only R700 000.00 to spend on everything, so let's say maybe you've got R650 000.00 to pay for a home. 

What is next now is that you now need to go and view the homes, and again, be very clear in your strategy, where you want to live, where you want to buy and also at the back of your mind, while you are doing this remember it it's your first time buying property for some some people, they're lucky enough for it not to be their only property that they're going to buy. But in moat cases is not the property they will live in for the rest of your life. So it might be the property that will eventually become an investment. property. 

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