Advantage of additional income when buying property

 Now, if you do have additional income, this would be a great time for you to add those onto your actual income so that you can prove affordability. The reason why I say twelve months is because this gives you a nice opportunity to perhaps you are realizing that if you don't have the affordability that is necessary to purchase the house that you are looking to purchase, then this could be a good opportunity for you to add on an additional income to try and actually give your affordability a bit of a strength. Now, the second this that I spoke about that the bank look at is what we call credit rating. 

All of us who have had some sort of credit or are looking for credit have a credit rating. Your credit rating is based on the credit score and is called a credit score. Now a credit score is an indicator to the financial institutions whether or not you are a good credit person. Whether they can actually advance some type of credit to you and whether you are good at honoring agreements. So do you pay? But not only do you pay, do you pay on time and make sure that you pay the right amount of money? It is important that you do that because at the end of the day, that is how you are prejudged, unfortunately that's the reality of life. 

People even us in normal circumstances, we look at what you have previously done in specific thing before we actually give you the benefit of the doubt that you might know how to do specific specific. Look, when you looking for a job, they look for for your CV, look at your experience and only based on your experience and maybe your qualifications, then they come back to you and say actually maybe you could be a perfect for the job. 

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