The direction of the truck car system after collision

You know a very good question ladies and gentlemen because this is going to then now help you to understand what you're calculating so this is the velocity of the of the of the truck and the car okay. Why because after collision they stick together that's why even on the question they said calculate the truck car system. Now it becomes a system because you know that car and the truck okay the car and the truck it's now one thing okay so that means if they're moving in that direction they are moving you know in that unity okay they move together as they're sticking together.

Okay if they move in that direction they move in the same speed because after collision they said they stick okay. So ladies and gentlemen it's either they move in that direction or in that direction okay, so assuming that to the right it's positive and then to the left is negative that means the velocity that we get if we get a negative answer, it moves it means after collision they move in that direction if we get a positive number then it means after collision they move in that direction. But I can guess ladies and gentlemen I can guess that it will move in that direction. 

Why because this mass is bigger than that mass otherwise this has got greater momentum because of it's heavy. And it's moving at the same speed as that car which is light and still moving at the same speed as the truck okay. If the car was moving at a higher speed then I wasn't going to be able to guess which you know in which direction they'll be moving after collision ladies and gentlemen. As soon as you identify the right formula then you are done, you're done because what you do is just to substitute ladies and gentlemen and it's unfortunate it's already late. 

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