Ladies and gentlemen so remember guys you've got I'm not sure if you're aware but I know in most cases they teach you this thing ladies and gentlemen to say the acceleration is inversely proportional to the mass. Much important ladies and gentlemen the acceleration is inversely proportional to the mass so now in this case the question wants you to determine in terms of acceleration.
The acceleration that the truck experiences on impact okay so ladies and gentlemen remember what is the mass of the truck so the mass of the truck is two okay so that means you know there it's actually one over two.
Okay so that means the truck is experiencing half of acceleration okay. So the reason for that ladies and gentlemen is because the acceleration is inversely proportional to the mass okay. So an answer to that question is a simple as half of acceleration ladies and gentlemen. What makes it to be half is because of you know for the fact that the acceleration is inversely proportional to the mass okay.
So by so saying ladies and gentlemen you just call yourself a two marks. Okay so I assume you fully understand that part ladies and gentlemen you know some of this information you can fully understand if you've gone through the lessons where I teach in detail this information.
Because you know with what I've been doing ladies and gentlemen I'm only teaching you on how to answer these questions I wasn't teaching you how you know you know how do I explain this ladies and gentlemen? I'm actually trying to indicate to you that I'm not actually giving you a complete lesson.
Where I start with the basics, the reason to that is because I assume you've already done that with your teacher so what we're doing is just to try to do something differently, but as of next year I'm going to make sure that you know I do a course which covers almost everything where I teach and provide the notes okay. So if you're still in grade 10 or grade 11 and you're watching this video and most importantly if you happen to repeat this module next year just make sure that you become very good friend of mine because that's where you'll benefit from the notes and those lessons that I'll be doing.
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