Why did they have to specify that you must calculate the velocity of the cars? Because ladies and gentlemen you've got two objects over there which is the car and the truck, okay so now in the question the one they want you to calculate the velocity of the car relative to the truck.
So relative to the truck okay so they're saying at what speed you know is that car moving relative to the track? Take into consideration that the truck it's also moving okay, so that's why this question is a bit tricky what makes it to be tricky it's for the fact that truck is also moving.
What matters the most is to take into account the direction in which it's moving okay, very much importantly. So now I’m going to remove my tablet, obviously you understood the question ladies and gentlemen so now we are on question number four okay. So let me just remove this information and just draw something like that. Ladies and gentlemen let me draw a truck, so this is that track okay so remember guys this is moving in that direction at 20 meters per second.
This is also moving in that direction at 20 meters per second, ladies and gentlemen before I go deep with this question if I wasn't explaining to you I would have straight away given the answer but it doesn't necessarily mean what I'm doing now it's what you need to do. In the exam just give an answer which is going to be allocated two marks I'm going to show you exactly where that two marks comes from.
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