What it means by internal resistance which is represented by a small r in that case it's one ohms okay. It could be 0.5 it could be 0.8 whatever number it is means the voltage which is going to supply anything connected to that circuit will be less than three volts.
Why, because part of that three volts will be resisted by that one ohms resistor so the one ohm resistor will resist some of the voltage. You know it will retain some of the voltage within that battery okay.
The other thing that I want to talk about is that this three volts it is referred to as the emf. The emf is the total voltage of those two cells. That is the emf, so the moment you've got an emf and again we've got an internal resistance then we know not all three volts will be used by whatever that is connected to that cycle.
So you might find that maybe only 2.7 volts it will be shared amongst those connections okay so that means what is it zero comma three volts will be lost as a result of that internal resistance so that internal resistance it resists a sum of the voltage from being used so only 2.7 will be a used okay.
So I'm just trying to make it as simple as possible just for you to be able to understand. Okay you don't need to stress that much this information that I'm providing is just for you to be able to easily understand the circuits then at a later stage when you're fully confident with the circuits that's when you can be able to try and make sense out of the voltage current resistance and everything okay.
Now the other thing that I want to talk about which is not that much important, just know that the this long line it represents the positive side of the battery the shorter one negative side of the battery.
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